Here is an opportunity to do something that will
Positively Impact The 58th Assembly District!
Help Rick make a difference
I will continue reaching out to community leaders and residents from Town of Jackson, Town of Polk, Village of Slinger, Town of Trenton, Town of West Bend, Village of Jackson,
Village of Newburg, and City of West Bend to help cement the foundation for my grassroots campaign effort. Individuals who are interested in donating time, talents, or money are encouraged to email the campaign directly at
Also, follow my campaign’s Facebook page at Rick Gundrum For 58th Assembly District
for the latest updates and events. Help SHARE my message.
Effective Campaigns take more than one person to convey a message. While I am excited to get to know many of the residents in the 58th District, I would be honored to have you assist me in getting out my message to voters.
Talk to your neighbors, put a sign in your yard, or distribute yards signs. Host a party and I will be there.
Join the Rick Gundrum Campaign.
Effective Campaigns utilize the talents of supporters. If you have worked on a political campaign before or want to share your talents give me a call.
My campaign is a grassroots campaign so come join us and lets work toward victory.
Join the Rick Gundrum Campaign.
Effective Campaigns need fundraising efforts which ultimately inform voters
of who I am and what I stand for.
You can contact me at 262- 644-7002, gundrum4assembly, or online at the DONATE page of this website
regarding a financial contribution.
Join the Rick Gundrum Campaign.
Join the Rick Gundrum Campaign
Rick Gundrum Slinger, WI
Tel: 262-644-7002