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Letter to the Editor | Vote Rick Gundrum for 58th Assembly District | By Marty Schulteis

Oct 22 2018 – Washington Co., WI –

The citizens of the State of Wisconsin deserve no less than the type of approachable and effective leadership that Representative Rick Gundrum has brought with him since his election to the 58th Assembly District.

Rick Gundrum has a clearly proven background earned as a current Village of Slinger Board Trustee, former Washington County Board Chairperson and now as a Representative in the 58th Assembly District.

His record is clear. He has been a staunch advocate for reform through fiscally conservative leadership. He believes in a less intrusive more effective government that allows taxpayers to keep more of their hard earned tax dollars. Rick continues to diligently advocate for the citizens of the 58th Assembly District the same way he has done so on both county and local levels.

I have had the pleasure of working with Rick Gundrum during his tenue on the Washington County Board, and most specifically during his time as County Board Chairperson. He is an honest and principled individual. He is exactly the type of ethical individual that the citizens of the 58th District deserve representing them in Madison.

As a member of local law enforcement serving areas within, and surrounding, the 58th Assembly District, I can unequivocally say he is a strong proponent of public safety. I value the emphasis he has placed on all public safety issues, and the subsequent collaborative relationships he has established with local law enforcement. Having a partner with a voice in Madison will serve the citizens of Washington County well.

I encourage you to support, and vote to re-elect, Representative Rick Gundrum on November 6.

Marty Schulteis

Republican Candidate for Washington County Sheriff

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